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Sidewalks, waterfalls, retaining walls, planters and more 

Many times there are many other items that are required around swimming pool areas to make them more aesthetically pleasing and functional. This could be such things like a fire pit, retaining wall, sidewalk, raised concrete plantar or even a waterfall like the one we constructed in the photo above. Serenity Pools & Hardscapes Inc. believes that the quality of a project is in the sum of all its parts. A pool does not work without a beautiful pool deck to go with it. A waterslide is not a waterslide if you can't get to the top of it to slide down or or have columns& footings to hold it up.  Below you can see some the different types of items we have constructed over the years.

Concrete Tower with suspended stairs, Arhcitectural Concrete, Concrete Chamfer edges, Suspended concrete stairs, Concrete Tower, waterslide tower


  • 35 ft. Concrete Waterslide Tower

  • Concrete Tower

  • Suspended Concrete Stairs

  • All Chamfered Corners 


North Battleford, Sk.
Concrete Bench, Leap of Faith, Canada Lands, Coloured Concrete, Bronze Plaque, Leaf Bench, Wetlands


  • Concrete Bench Base

  • Leaf wood work


Kelowna, B.C.
Waterfall, Privacy Wall, Noise reducer, Black Stone Tile, Grey Tile, Grey Stucco, White water, Landscaping, Landscape Design, High end water features


  • Privacy Waterfall Wall

  • 8ft. deep Footings

  • Recessed ledge for coloured lights

  • Concrete Pantar & Stairs


Westbank, B.C.
Serenity Pools & Hardscapes Inc. Logo

 Serenity Pools & Hardscapes Inc.

  3682 Yorkton Road,  

Westbank, B.C. V4T-2T7


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